Promoting Youth Engagement in Community Development

Promoting youth engagement in community development- Funded by NVSP Program- MOSA - World bank- Implemented by Progressive Socialist Scout- In partnership with Farah Social Foundation The project…

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Generation of Innovation Leaders Entrepreneurship Projects

Farah Social Foundation in partnership with Nawaya Network and Generation for Innovation (GIL) funded by UNICEF organized a free entrepreneurship training for youth between 16 and 24 years old on…

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Startup Program Round I

Farah Social Foundation Start-up Competition project aims to empower, inspire and connect youth to job opportunities through building their capacities, knowledge and skills. In September 2020, FSF…

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PSS Camps for Youth affected by Beirut Blast

Farah Social Foundation in partnership with ASMAE organized four psychosocial support camps for youth between 14 and 24 affected by Beirut Blast under PSS and livelihood for youth affected by Beirut…

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IdeaLab Program

The IdeaLab Program is a two-month cycle that allows startups to learn how to identify their problem, validate their solution in the market and create a strong team that has the capacity to take on…

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YEP Project

The YEP project, funded by AFD and Fondation de France, which supports youth affected by the Beirut Blast, is having impactful results so far. The first batch of the targeted youth received…

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