Child Marriage Awareness Campaign

Child Marriage Awareness Campaign - Funded by NVSP Program- MOSA - World bank- Implemented by Progressive Socialist Scout- In partnership with Farah Social Foundation. The project aimed at increasing…

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Powerful Women

Under the project "Strengthening access to protection, participation and services for women refugees and host communities” funded by European Union in Lebanon Regional Trust Fund "Madad", implemented…

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Women Economic Empowerment

Under our "Women and Youth Empowerment" Intervention, Farah Social Foundation in collaboration with Food Heritage Foundation and Union of Progressive Women conducted a 3 day training for women to…

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CAFI Project

CAFI is a three-year project funded by the US Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration that aims to promote collective action led by women and girls, represented by WLOs and women-led…

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Women Economic Empowerment Opportunity

Farah Social Foundation funded by L’Oréal Fund for Women is implementing a project to support vulnerable women across Lebanon (8 areas: Rashaya, Hasbaya, Tripoli, Chouf, Aley, Baabda and Beirut)…

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