Aiming to encourage high school girls to study Robotics and Financial Wellbeing, FSF, in the SHE in STEAM project, implemented Training of Trainers for teachers on these two subjects. This project is…
SALAM Project
The SALAM project aims to contribute to reducing inequalities among the population living in Lebanon through Strengthening and promoting the social and economic inclusion of members of the Beirut…
Equip Batloun Technical School Computer Lab
Under "Education and Human Development" intervention, FSF equipped the computer lab of Batloun Technical School with 10 computers and SVGA Projector. This donations is based on the needs assessment…
Topography and Computer Lab by Embassy of Australia
The topography and computer lab in Batloun technical school was equipped by the Embassy of Austria in Lebanon through Farah Social Foundation. The opening event was held in April 2019 in the…