Farmers Economic Empowerment Project – Phase 2
In response to the economic, financial and social hardship in Lebanon, two workshops were conducted in Abreshoum – Ghareb and Ramlieh – Jurd Aley on potato production and home gardening. Those workshops were supposed to be conducted in Shouf, Iklim, Al Metn, Tripoli, Bekaa and Rashaya but it was postponed due to the Corona Virus Outbreak. Potato and chickpeas seeds were distributed on the farmers to grow and sustain themselves and their surroundings. The presentation was distributed to the farmers to be able to plant the crops. Shouf, Iklim, Ghareb, Jurd Aley, Al Metn, Rashaya, Tripoli and Bekaa benefited from the seeds distribution. 40 tons of potato and 5 tons of chickpeas were distributed to the farmers to be grown in their cultivated lands.
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